Providing Clarity through Intimate, Thought-provoking, and Self-Reflective Explorations

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We all need help in the search for meaning and purpose in life - for ourselves, our families, and     
our culture. Embracing real Reality and true Truth is essential in that search.   But the greatest    
obstacle to discovering Reality and Truth is... ourselves!  Yet, it is possible to change this.

"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
                                                                                          -- Marcel Proust

We all need clarity in how we view reality and our place and purpose in it. ClaritySPOT provides
you with compelling vehicles of
Personal Exploration and Discovery
in the search for meaning,
and purpose.  These explorations are user-interactive, self-evaluating, and guaranteed. is a marketing group for The PDE Project.

We promise and guarantee, that by fully exploring PDE Project presentations, you will discover
greater personal insights and understanding of a bigger picture view of life, meaning, and purpose
than you ever have before, or… we will refund the full amount of your purchase price.

*NOTE: Completion of PDE Project User Response Survey is required.

But first,  TAKE THE CODE

Students - Parents - Teachers - Schools - Churches - Business People - Designers - Programmers - Producers - Distributors - Underwriters

Contact us anytime.