Providing Clarity through Intimate, Thought-provoking, and Self-Reflective Explorations

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How do you view your place and purpose in the universe?

Interactive Personal Worldview Adventure CD-ROM

People have vastly different views of the world.  One’s worldview makes a world of
difference in their values, attitudes, and behavior; in the direction of their lives; in the
fulfillment of their purpose; in their ultimate destiny; and in the legacy they leave behind.

But, have you ever wondered how YOUR worldview is formed?  Find out for yourself!

Target Audience: Age 13 to Adult. Enables users to explore and resolve big questions.

Menu page for this interactive multimedia CD-ROM.

System Requirements: Windows XP or above; PowerPoint 2003 or above.





"Learn why you've made the choices you've already made."

"It's just amazing! Right on target!"  - 20 year young man
 "All my friends would be helped by this."  - 21 year young woman   
"Today's kids need this... desperately!"  - Public School Teacher of troubled kids     
"Appropriate for teens: attractive, thought-provoking, redemptive."  - Researcher/Teacher
 "Immensely gripping and self-reflective!"  - Senior Media Producer             
"I've just spent some time enjoying the CD-ROM again. The soundtrack-music

makes me want to stay tuned. You have created a magnificent project  here.

Kudos to the authors."  - Corporate Education Executive    


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